Czek In: St. Patrick’s Day

Czek In: St. Patrick’s Day

Bright green grass, kilts, bagpipes – everybody can be Irish on March 17th and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. But not many actually know what they are celebrating and what is remembered that day.

Bishop Patrick came to Ireland in the 5th century and told the clans about the Bible – and hundreds of years later not only Irish celebrate this but everybody who wants to.

The color of that day is green – not only to remember the green hills of Ireland. Legend says that Patrick used a three-leaved clover to explain the trinity of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit to the people.

Green reminds me of the hope that old stories like this can bring people together in celebration. Hope, that people of all countries, traditions and cultures can respect each other and learn about each other.

And hope that this God that Patrick talked about exists – and that he still wants to bring people hope and joy today.

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